Proudly Serving Clients Nationwide       1 (216) 678-9111



What can I expect during my first contact with your office?

You can expect a courteous, capable security professional that can answer your questions. They will gather some preliminary information from you to determine the best course of action for your individual need. They may give you options available that our company can assist with right away, or request another call or meeting to fully evaluate your exact circumstance.

How do you bill for your time?

Our company has a very competitive pricing schedule. Each client is unique, each case is unique, and each solution is unique. We tailor our investigation to our clients, we are not a boiler plate company. What sets us apart is our ability to take the time to give one on one service, at a fair price.

What type of payment do you accept?

Cash, Checks and PayPal

How quickly can you start an investigation?

Based upon information from the client, we can start an investigation immediately. There may be some research involved before we can proceed. For a large scale or extended investigation, we require a signed contract which details our services and the clients’ responsibilities.

What type of training and backgrounds do your agents possess?

We are heads above other security and investigative agencies in that our agents come from very diverse professional careers. Our staff is comprised of active and retired, federal, state and local law enforcement and military professionals, also including private industry financial and fraud investigators. Our agents have over 300 years of combined experience that is unmatched with other companies in our area. Our agents are experts in their fields of computer forensics, medical investigations, surveillance, bug searches, principal protection, fraud examiners, workers compensation fraud, copyright infringement, civil and criminal investigations and more. “We can handle it”

What is Elder Financial Exploitation?

Financial exploitation is a fast-growing form of abuse of seniors and adults with disabilities. Situations of financial exploitation commonly involve trusted persons in the life of the vulnerable adult, such as: Caretakers, Family Members, Lawyers, Neighbors or friends.

I think my spouse is cheating on me, what should I do?

Call us to confidentially discuss the issue. There are many ways we can determine if your cheating spouse suspicions are valid. We are very discrete, using the latest methods of surveillance, tracking, and undercover detective capabilities to work with you to your satisfaction.

I think my spouse is hiding assets, what should I do?

Our staff has agents with many years of asset location and recovery experience. If there is money, property, business assets or any other tangible property, we can find it!

Do you offer Armed and un-armed security services for business clients?

We offer armed and unarmed security services for business clients both uniform and plain clothes. We have the ability to hire off duty police officers to work alongside our uniform officers. We also provide plain clothes agents for more discrete events along with trained principal protection details for transportation and event security.

Our organization needs to transport assets between locations, is this something your company can assist with?

Our company can transport assets, tangible items and persons in a safe reliable manner. We are not a courier company, we are an investigative and security company which sets us apart. Our agents are trained and have experience in large federal and state cases, with notable assets and clients that are kept strictly confidential.

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